
Anya Pal (founder) volunteers to tutor kids from a local elementary school in her community. She teaches math to a full class of around 30 elementary schoolers, giving them classwork, homework, and most importantly, knowledge. She also does private tutoring for students, focusing on topics of their choosing. This has proven to help their test scores and grades in school. She enjoys these experiences very much, inspiring her to create her own organization to continue with her passion for teaching.

gray concrete wall inside building
gray concrete wall inside building
Dance Classes

Anya Pal (founder) has been dancing for over a decade and it is her favorite hobby. She loves to teach dance to students in her classes, imparting her skills to them. She helps kids find a passion for dance, which allows them to have fun and build relationships while getting healthy exercise. She has been teaching dance for about 3 years and is excited to continue spreading a love for dance in her community.

white and black abstract painting
white and black abstract painting
Debate Volunteering

Anya Pal (founder) first started learning debate in elementary school and went on to win multiple tournaments and awards. She realized debate is an important life skill, as it teaches you how to speak with clarity, formulate a logical argument, and get your point across to other people in a respectable way. She now teaches debate to kids in local elementary schools, passing on her knowledge and helping them acquire the previously mentioned skills. She teaches, judges, and helps out students whenever they need it.

worm's-eye view photography of concrete building
worm's-eye view photography of concrete building